Scrap Quilting

Hi! My name is Janet Wickell, and I’d like to welcome you to, a source for a growing number of quilt patterns and tutorials. Learn how to make a scrap quilt with the resources on this website, and please do join our growing community on Facebook.

My quilt block and quilt patterns vary in style and size, and include detailed instructions and illustrations — an experienced quilter may skip over some of the details, but complete ‘how to’ directions ensure that beginning quilters can successfully tackle any pattern. I always try to explain the reasons why we construct a quilt component in certain ways — not just how. That knowledge will help you each time you make a quilt.







I’ve Taken the Mystery Out of  the 2017 Mystery Quilt







A Few Words About Scrap Quilt History

Frayed Sawtooth Star Quilt Block

Scrap quilts are an all-time favorite type of quilt. Legend says that the majority of antique scrap quilts were frugal projects, made with bits and pieces of fabric that were leftover from sewing clothing and other items. While that’s very likely true in many cases, especially for quilts made during difficult economic times, researchers think quilters of past generations enjoyed the challenge of combining fabrics just as much as we do today and likely raided their fabric stashes to design scrappy quilts with visual appeal.